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Father’s Day Gift Guide

Superhero, mentor, master of dad jokes – no matter what you call him, we’re celebrating all father figures this Father’s Day! As the clock starts ticking down to Sunday, June 19th, we are sharing a few of the best gifts […]

How to Survive the Dog Days of Summer

Summer is officially in session. With kids out of school, the weather warming up and a slower routine hitting calendars, it’s time to shift gears to fully embrace the dog days of summer. Whether you have a house full of […]

5 Road Trip Must-Haves

Summer days and long weekends are ahead, which means vacation planning is officially in session. In fact, May 27th is National Road Trip Day. As families across the country honor Memorial Day with a long weekend, it’s no wonder everyone […]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

If Mother’s Day snuck up on you this year, don’t worry, we have you covered. There’s still time to honor the special women in your life with gifts that are bursting with thought, love and the latest technology. If you’re […]

Tech to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

The flowers are in bloom, the breeze is fresh, and the outdoor activities are in full swing. While taking time to unplug and bask in nature is good for the mind, body and soul, it doesn’t mean your outdoor tech […]

How to Recycle E-waste in Honor of Earth Day

Global waste is on the rise and expected to reach 3.40 billion tons by the year 2050. While 75% of the waste Americans produce is recyclable, only about 30% is actually recycled. With Earth Day right around the corner on […]

Smart Ways to De-Stress with Your Device

Take a deep breath in through your nose– one, two, three four…and now, exhale through your mouth, slowly for eight seconds. Do you feel better already? Deep breathing is a powerful stress relieving technique, and with April being Stress Awareness […]

Women in Tech | Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, a dedicated time to commemorate the study, observance and celebration of women in American history. Evolving from a week-long celebration of women’s contributions to culture and society, Women’s History Month was founded by the school […]

March Madness: Don’t Miss a Beat

Are you ready to let the madness begin? March means flowers in bloom, longer days and action on the court! March Madness kicks off on Sunday the 13th and continues through the first week of April. As one of the […]

Spring Forward with a Fresh Start

Spring is in the air. It’s a time for fresh beginnings, new growth and longer days. Before daylight saving time nudges you out of bed, it’s time to prepare for all spring brings. We’re talking about sleep habits and self […]


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