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Motorola: A Device That Stands the Test of Time

If you thought classic phone brands couldn’t make a comeback, you might be in for a big surprise. Motorola is a cell phone brand with a steeper history than most. In fact, Motorola’s founding company was established nearly 100 years […]

Inside the Galaxy Fold 4 and Flip 4

Move over old smartphones, there’s a new kid on the block and it has tech geeks in a frenzy. The Galaxy Fold 4 and Flip 4 are making waves in a big way, and if you’re wondering what all the […]

10 iPhone Tips & Tricks You Never Knew You Needed

If you’re like the half of Americans that currently own an iPhone, you’re likely loyal to your device and rely on it for everything from texting to banking. And, you may think of your high-tech device as an investment, so […]

Android™ 13 Review

Hey tech warriors, the latest OS update from Google (Android 13) has arrived, and there are some great features you’ll want to take advantage of. From customizing your apps by color, theme and language to matching your media player with […]

Everything You Need to Know About Music Streaming

What’s the soundtrack to your life? With music playlists readily available on personal devices, tunes have become an integral part of our daily lives and identity. Heading to the gym? Time to rev up your workout beats. Commuting from work […]

5 Things You Need For Gaming

Summer is almost over, which means beach days will soon turn into after-school gaming days! But, video games aren’t just for the kids: did you know that 26% of video gamers are now between the ages of 35-54 with the […]

How To Keep Your Home Safe While Traveling

You’ve submitted that PTO at work and booked a hotel, round-trip flight and car rental– all that’s left is to relax and enjoy your vacation! The last thing you want to worry about during your sacred time away is what’s […]

Google Pixel 6a Review: Why We Love It

The exciting release of Google Pixel 6a is just days away, so we’re sharing a full review of the latest and greatest device. Spoiler alert— we love it. But that’s not enough. Let’s look at exactly why techies are raving […]

Second Phone Number

We rely heavily on our smartphones to stay connected with the world around us in today’s fast-paced society. Our smartphones have become an essential component of our daily lives. We use smartphones for almost everything from making phone calls, sending […]

Back-to-School Supplies Guide

School is almost in session! Are you stocked with the best back-to-school supplies for a successful year of learning? Families everywhere are soaking up the final weeks of sweet summertime and setting their sights on the school year ahead. As […]


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